Kahoot – a digital quiz with chanting guarantee!

Quizzes have always been popular among students. Or most people for that matter. However, with digital tools it can become even more engaging and create a powerful excitement in the classroom. And trust me, Kahoot has this power! I have tried it in my classroom at several occasions, and my students are quick to ask for it if they feel too much time has passed since the last one.

Today we had a Kahoot about the novel Of Mice and Men that my students have just finished reading. I made questions as a revision of mainly the content, as well as some questions about the topics, characters and symbols. The class got very active (as usual) and those sitting at the back and near the windows even brought their computers/smartphones to the front and sat on the floor. You see, apparently “The closer I sit to the screen, the sooner I can read the questions, and the sooner I can click on the right answer so I can score more points!” (Quote boy 17). As you can see, a great success!  The students score points by having the correct answer as well as being able to answer quickly, and the top 3 appears on the screen as the game proceeds. The fact that the students are allowed to use their smartphones for this quiz is also a factor for success. Though some of the students choose their computers sine they apparently can save up to 2 whole seconds for each answer due to faster reaction time!

Would you like to try it with your students? Or perhaps just make one for the next social gathering? All you have to do is follow these simple steps:

1) Create an account on getkahoot.it

2) Click “create a quiz” and follow the instructions (add questions and alternatives)

3) Add pictures?

4) Follow the remaining steps and save

When in the classroom:

1) Find the quiz on your “Me” space and press “play”

2) Select “launch” and a code will appear

3) Your students open up kahoot.it and enter the code

Remember to have speakers since the game music is quite entertaining and helps to set the mood!

You can also find ready made quizzes about a wide range of topics that could use if you are pressed for time. Just make sure you check it out carefully before using it in the classroom.

Good luck, have fun and enjoy! 🙂

3 thoughts on “Kahoot – a digital quiz with chanting guarantee!

  1. I wonder if my third graders should try this one, too, since they were actually the first students to be introduced to «Lena reading Of mice and men».

    • Indeed, I think they should! They were in fact the pioneers. I take it for granted that they still remember everthing we worked on and would be ready anyday! 😉

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